
My Skin Journey

With my job I’m constantly having make up put on and removed and always with different products. I have fairly good skin and have never suffered from acne but due to a cocktail of products always being on my face I suffer from dreaded pimples and occasionally the odd rash. I've always lived by the motto less is more, so on my days off that's exactly what I do. My look is about minimal makeup and when it comes to beauty regime I keep my products simple and only really use a makeup remover and a cleanser, always trying to keep things organic and natural. 

However I've always wanted to really investigate and learn about my skin. We are all different and we very really talk about our skin allergies or those unattractive breakouts. After googling furiously and ready through the forums about peoples skin journey’s one thing was clear, everybody is nervous in taking that first step in trusting someone to help with such a sensitive and important part of our bodies. Not only that, where do you go. 

I recently met the team at The Clear Skin Care Clinics and joined them in the Clear Skin Pledge journey. The Skin Clear Pledge revolves around SGA (Sebaceous Gland Ablation) which permanently removes the cause of acne. You can sign up to the pledge with a free treatment here (CLICK HERE) . After soon realzing this was not my skin path, we investigated more into pigment related avenues. However as I noticed on the forums alot of people suffer from SGA and so I wanted to give some information incase the Skin Pledge is your Journey.

SGA Has a 95% Success rate, developed by an acne expert Dr Philippa McCaffery, who has been treating acne for over 18 years. SGA Uses No drugs, medications or harsh products. Clearskincare Clinics, 30 locations Australia wide and has extremely friendly staff. So for those googling daily on this issue, Sign up for the Skin Pledge, or If you're like me and want to learn about your skin head to their website and read over some of their treatments which consists of Acne, Acne Scarring, Hair Removal, Pigmentation, Sun Damage, Anti-Aging and will help your skin to stay younger healthier.

The older we get, the more important it is to really look after ourselves. I know being a water baby I've really caused some sun damage to my face over the years and learning about it now can save my skin from many more years of torture. I eat healthy and maintain a good exercise regime however learning about my skin journey has benefited me and my confidence for the long run. 

So What’s your skin Journey?

Nikki xox 

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